Direct Mailing List
Target Apartment Dwellers by Specific Apartment ComplexWhether you need to Target a high rent Apartment Complex Community in a densely populated urban area; a lower rent Apartment Complex Community or Mobile Home Community in a sparsely populated Rural Community, is the answer. is the answer
With our brand new Apartment Databank, you can now select your Apartment Mailing List by specific Apartment Complex and by specific Monthly Rental Amounts.
We have 148,545 Apartment Complexes, all with over 10 Units per complex throughout the USA, and all are available for Direct Mailing.
Click here for our state and county counts.
Pricing by Specific Apartment Complex:
Below are our Rates for Addresses by specific Apartment Complex:
$50.00 for all addresses in any 1 Community
$40.00 per community for any 5 Communities
$35.00 per community for any 10 Communities
$30.00 per Community for any 20 Communities
$20.00 per community for any 100 Communities
If Names are required, add $10.00 per Community, and expect an approximate 80% coverage with respect to Names vs Addresses. Also to insure deliverability we advise using “Or Current Resident” between the Names the Addresses”.
We also have Mobile Home Parks Lists
Please click here for a Sample from our Apartment Databank.
We just need you to select each Apartment Complex you would like to target with your Direct Mailing Program and email it to us.
Send us the Complex Name and Office Addresses for each Apartment Complex that you would like to target. We will then send you a report detailing the number of units we have available for each of the Apartment Complexes that you select. You can then choose (minimum order of 1 Apartment Complex) the Apartment Complex that you would like to mail to, just give us 24 hours to turn around your Order.
The Apartment Lists selected by Complex Community will be output in Excel and have the: Apartment Complex Name, the Full Addresses, the Salutation + all that is needed to produce the USPS Delivery Point Bar Code, along with the CASS Certificate that will ensure you of receiving the greatest Postal Discount available.

Call for Volume Discount Pricing
(800) 575-3002
The Addresses we deliver by Apartment Complex will be guaranteed 100% deliverable.