Apartment Renters With Move In Dates
Accurately identify Apartment Renters (or Home Renters) that are coming up on the first anniversary of their lease end date.
116,000* confirmed Apartment Renters that move into apartments every month.
Data Counts: See our 2015 MFDU Move in Counts by State and by Month and our 2015 SFDU Renter Move in Counts by State and by Month.
Data Uses and Most Popular Offers
- Neighboring Apartment Complexes needing to market to the Renters in competing Apartment Complexes in the surrounding area.
- Real Estate Agents who need to Convert Apartment Renters into Homeowners.
- Mortgage Companies and Loan Officers needing new Customers for Home Loans.
- Renters Insurance Offers from local Insurance Agents.
- $150.00 per thousand names (5000 name minimum).
- Volume Discounts available, please call (800) 575-3002.
- Data delivered via Email, FTP, Excel, ASCII or any format requested.
- Word Label File will also be supplied at NO ADDITIONAL COST.
- Printed Peel & Stick Labels available for an additional $10.00 per thousand.
Call (800) 575-3002 or email now to get started!
Compilation and Update Methods:
Apartment Renters with Move Date Information is obtained using our Monthly New Mover Data supplemented with our National Consumer Database here.
Cross Selections and Data Overlay Options:
Lists can be further enhanced and overlaid with hundreds of Consumer Data Options. See some of the available selections here.
Associated Products
For further information, please see our New Homeowner List page, our Mortgage Protection Data Page as well as our Homeowner X-Date Page.
Data Pricing
Pricing from the Specialty Database starts for $150.00 per thousand with a 5000 Name minimum commitment. “Volume Discounts are available, please inquire”.
Data Delivery
Data is delivered in via Email or FTP in Excel, ASCII or any format requested. A Word Label File will also be supplied at no additional cost.