With 100% Names & Addresses
Target Apartment Dwellers with 100% Names & AddressesConnect with Apartment Dwellers that fit your consumer profile and personalize your message with 100% Names & Addresses.

- Over 13.4 MILLION Names & Addresses of confirmed Apartment Renters (click for state by state breakdown)
- 100% of records will have current Names & Addresses of Apartment Renters
- Database updated monthly through NCOA with changes of addresses
- Narrowly defined consumer data targeting with multiple demographic selections
- SAVE MONEY! – Only mail to qualified Apartment Renters that fit your criteria
Targeting Included at NO Cost:
- Age
- Income
- Length of Residency
- Gender
- Marital Status
Over 1000 selections available using our Apartment Dweller Consumer Data (click for partial list).
Call (800) 575-3002 to inquire about the additional select charges.
Apartment Dweller Mailing List is IDEAL for:
- Mortgage Brokers
- Real Estate Professionals
- Financial Institutions
- New Businesses
- Neighboring Restaurants
- Dry Cleaners
- Day Care Centers
- Physicians & Health Care Professionals
- $.06 per name (5000 name minimum order)
- $.05 per name for 10,000 names
- $.04 per name for 20,000 names
- Additional Consumer Targeting (not included in above list): $.01 per target/per name
- DNC Scrubbed Phone Numbers (where available): $.01 per number
We currently have over 8 Million Names & Addresses of confirmed Renters in Apartment (click here for our state and county counts). This Database is updated monthly through NCOA with changes of addresses. When using Apartment Renter Data with Names your marketing campaign can be much more targeted and the mail piece is more personalized than a piece to current resident.
The Apartment Renter Names & Addresses start at a Base Price of 6 cents per name with a 5000 name order, 5 cents per name with a 10,000 name order, and 4 cents per name with a 20,000 name order. Please call us on volume discounts (800) 575-3002.

Volume discounts available.
Please call
(800) 575-3002
As mentioned above, Age, Income, Length of Residency, Gender, and Marital Status are selections that are included at no additional cost. With our Consumer Data, you can also target by ethnicity, date of birth, and the presence of children for an additional fee of 1 cent apiece. DNC Scrubbed Phone Numbers can also be output were available for an additional 1 cent apiece. There are over 1000 additional consumer selections available (click here for a partial list of them).
If a narrowly defined Apartment Mailing with multiple demographic selections is required then this is the list that will work for you.